Author Topic: Creating Plugin for Pulling Text from Facebook groups, pages to Osclass Page  (Read 849 times)


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Creating Plugin for Pulling Text from Facebook groups, pages to Osclass Page;
Dear Team,
Can you create a plugin with functions ; pulling texts, contents from facebook groups and place it on Osclass site.
I have many groups eveyday publishing thousands ads but none is publishing on osclass page.( I am advertising Osclass site on groups, too ).
I suppose today it is a trend for all users are choosing to publish just on facebook groups not on classifieds sites.

Now I want; publishings / published ads on facebook groups to transport / move / clone to Osclass ads page. but how?
You can think and create something will pull ads easier for me and for another Osclass site owners,
You can sell this plugin very much and earn good money.

For now it is not need to pull images from facebook,
Just need to be pull text from Facebook and place into a category of Osclas site.
You know facebook groups published ads has no title, just group name and publisher ( user ) name;
You may be use / select first 60 -70 characters as title, and whole text as description.
- Plugin need to create tittle from description ( selecting first 60-70 charachter of FB description )
- Plugin need to give an option to select under which category ads will be inserted.
- May be osclass site owner need to make some manuel customization / modification after plugin's inserting. ( changing category name, modify title etc, )
- Plugins will not pull texts if less than 100 / 200 / 300 ..etc characters... You need to give an option to select this specification.
- Plugin can also write as " Publisher name " FB user as shown on FB PAGE, or plugin can give an option where I can type a random publisher name for those auto pulling ads from FB.

If I remember something extra needs, I will inform you.
We can develope this plugin togetherly, I now needs from Osclass site owners side and you know how to do it ( Programming )

Murat Bora


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@muratbora  - I really like your idea.

Rackons Team please create this type of plugin then i will buy for my Site. I really excited for this plugin , and please develop soon .

When you will complete then please inform me .

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